Anesa Miller

OUR ORBIT Blog Tour now underway!


It gives me a serious thrill to announce the beginning of the OUR ORBIT blog tour.

Many thanks to the following book bloggers who’ve agreed to provide honest reviews and shed the light of their attention on my newly launched novel. Please stop by to view these lovely blogs, check out their thoughts and comments—

October 8th KDH Reviews
October 9th Book Fidelity
October 10th my name is Sage
October 12th My Book Fairy
October 13th Devoted Mommy of 3 
October 15th Live Interview @10am PST on Blog Talk Radio
October 16th The Gal in the Blue Mask
October 17th Reading to Distraction
October 19th Any Excuse to Read
October 22nd Hogwash
October 24th Shelf Pleasure
October 26th The Book Adventures of Emily
October 30th Glad For My 3
November 3rd Beagle Book Space
November 3rd FictionZeal
November 4th Feed Me In Books
November 5th Making My Mark

Special thanks to KDH Reviews for the very first post of the tour, which is UP TODAY! And many thanks also to the inimitable Sage Adderley for her organizational genius.

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